Hip Arthritis and Knee Arthritis

What is the GLA:D program?

GLA:D® stands for “Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark” – is a program of education and exercise designed to help reduce the symptoms of hip and/or knee osteoarthritis. The exercises done in GLA:D® target joint stability, muscle strength and confidence with movement and are specifically designed to help those with osteoarthritis.

There are many reasons why GLA:D® and similar exercise programs can help reduce pain and improve mobility. Exercise affects a person in a variety of ways from improving bone and muscle strength to elevating mood. Exercise itself is a recognised treatment for some chronic health conditions and reduces the risk of many others.

How many sessions do I have to attend?

There are 12 supervised exercise sessions over 6 weeks, and 2 education sessions. Each session – education and exercise – will take about 40 minutes.

These sessions are run by physiotherapists.

When are the sessions run?

Currently due to lockdown we are only holding 1:1 sessions which can be scheduled at any time 6 days a week during our opening hours. When we resume classes, we can find a specialised GLAD class or we can enrol you into a clinical exercise class with GLAD program.

How much does it cost?

We have two different options. You can pay as you go, or we can send you a package email for the whole program which includes a discount.

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