Shoulder Joint Injuries Acromioclavicular Joint and Sterno Clavicle

The shoulder joint is a complex joint that allows for a wide range of movements. It is made up of several bones, including the humerus, scapula, and clavicle, as well as the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Injuries to the shoulder joint can result from trauma, overuse, or degenerative changes. These injuries can cause pain, swelling, limited range of motion, and functional limitations. Common shoulder joint injuries include rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement syndrome, bursitis, SLAP tears, and osteoarthritis. Proper diagnosis and treatment of these injuries, including physiotherapy, can help to alleviate symptoms and improve shoulder function.

Causes of Shoulder Joint Injuries Acromioclavicular Joint and Sterno Clavicle

The causes of shoulder joint injuries can vary depending on the specific injury, but some common causes include:

  • Trauma or injury, such as falls or impact injuries
  • Overuse or repetitive strain, such as from sports or manual labor
  • Degenerative changes due to aging or wear and tear over time
  • Poor posture or improper body mechanics
  • Structural abnormalities or congenital conditions
  • Inflammatory conditions or autoimmune disorders
  • Infection or other medical conditions.

In the case of Acromioclavicular Joint and Sterno Clavicle injuries, some common causes include direct blows to the shoulder, such as from a fall, car accident, or sports-related injury, as well as overuse or repetitive strain, such as from weightlifting, throwing, or swimming. These injuries can also result from degenerative changes or inflammatory conditions.

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Joint Injuries Acromioclavicular Joint and Sterno Clavicle

The signs and symptoms of Acromioclavicular (AC) joint and Sterno Clavicle (SC) joint injuries can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Common signs and symptoms may include:

  • Pain in the shoulder area, which may be localized or radiate to other parts of the body
  • Swelling or tenderness around the affected joint
  • Limited range of motion in the shoulder, including difficulty lifting or moving the arm
  • Weakness or instability in the shoulder joint
  • Grinding or popping sensations when moving the shoulder
  • A visible bump or deformity at the affected joint
  • Numbness or tingling in the arm or hand.

In more severe cases, a complete separation of the AC joint or SC joint may occur, which can result in more significant pain, swelling, and a visible bump or deformity. In these cases, immediate medical attention is required.

Treatment for Shoulder Joint Injuries Acromioclavicular Joint and Sterno Clavicle

The physiotherapy treatment for AC joint and SC joint injuries may vary depending on the severity of the injury, but may include the following:

Rest and immobilization: Rest and immobilization of the affected shoulder may be necessary to allow the joint to heal. A sling may be used to immobilize the shoulder joint.

Ice therapy: Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce pain and swelling.

Pain management: Pain medications or anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to manage pain and reduce inflammation.

Physical therapy: A physiotherapist may develop a rehabilitation program that includes exercises to help strengthen the muscles around the affected joint, improve range of motion, and prevent future injuries.

Manual therapy: Manual therapy techniques, such as massage or joint mobilization, may be used to help reduce pain and improve mobility.

Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair the injured joint.

It is important to consult a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or doctor, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan for AC joint and SC joint injuries.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to a therapist about shoulder joint injuries please call us at 03 9836 1126.



Gustavsson, L., Nordvall, H., & Aasa, U. (2015). Rehabilitation following acute AC-joint injury: a systematic review. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,

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